oprandi & partner - personnel recruitment - karriere


Personalised succession arrangements from a single source

Why next generation?

Approximately 20,000 jobs are lost in Switzerland each year due to unresolved or failed corporate successions in small and medium-sized companies. This is due in particular to the failure to transfer companies within the family or external succession solutions that are not implemented. Not included in these figures are innumerable failed succession arrangements that finally result in a more or less precipitous sale of a company, thus allowing a life’s work to disappear from the market.

While ten years ago approximately 2/3 of all succession arrangements were still resolved within the family, the figure is now roughly 50%. The fear is that this figure will dwindle to approximately 1/3 internal family succession arrangements for small and medium-sized firms in the next few years!

How can you profit from our competence?

Our core competence is the individual. This is why we focus on the individual in our 'next generation' service as well. We will guide you, the entrepreneur, through the succession arrangement process, discreetly, personally, competently, and efficiently. You can integrate the individuals you trust (trustees, attorneys, tax experts) as you wish and according to your requirements.

Our obligation is to sustain this process.